The North Carolina Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission Process

“Our work is not simply towards momentary victory, but to win the struggle for a united vision of where we ought to be going, as we grow into the realization that the only way we can go there is together.”

The NC Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission Process (NC-TJRC) is a grassroots, people-powered Process, Commission and Movement. It is designed to walk the varied segments of NC’s diverse population towards each other so that they may eventually walk together building broad “community truths.”


It should come as no surprise that our nation would again find itself trapped in a vicious circle of belittling, blaming, fear and violence. After all, its very founding was built on contradictions and falsehoods. Even as our “Founding Fathers” wrote of such eloquent and lofty ideals as:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”

…they entrenched into law the unequal and unjust treatment of some people, declaring the “Negro” to be ⅗ of a person. Similarly, they asserted that those native to this land were mere savages and set out to annihilate and/or forcibly restrict them to a small fraction of the territory they once freely inhabited. How can a nation, built on such a deceptive house of cards not one day be called into account, having never adequately admitted, or even faced up to, the hurt and pain of its beginnings or reconciled with those hurt by its flaws? With each other’s help, we can create much better conditions than where we are now. This requires us to forge movements that encourage us all to listen deeply, speak respectfully, and believe in the power of humans, in all of our diversity, to change and grow into our greatest potential. This is the purpose of Beloved Community Center’s North Carolina Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Process.


Perhaps that day has come, as we now find ourselves locked into a cycle of blaming, devaluing and uttering threats of violence at one another that grows increasingly into episodes of violence aimed towards one another. This vicious cycle, built on falsehoods, makes others “the enemy” and in so doing, breeds anger, fear, and mistrust among those devalued and mistreated.

All of this has been simmering and intensifying for years. If the current trend continues unchecked with more outbreaks of targeted and random violence, it will lead to a familiar end — civil war. This is not mere hyperbole; our history gives evidence to the ultimate consequences. The previous diagram reflects the trend of a people posturing for war.

Those who see this trend are challenged to find a better way. We are convinced that we must face the bitter truths of our tortuous, deceptive and often bloody yesterdays. This must be done in a way that affirms the dignity, worth, equality, and enormous unrealized potential we (all of us) have as human beings. We all have the potential to change, to grow, and to find a better way. We need to help each other muster the moral courage and commitment to do so. The time is now for a community-driven, grassroots movement rooted in truth, committed to justice, and determined to repair and reconcile the wrongs of our often-brutal past. It is our deepest hope that our work in North Carolina acts as an inspiration for other states.

Building on the successful Greensboro Truth & Reconciliation Commission Process, the statewide The North Carolina Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission Process (NC-TJRC) is already well underway. BCC is in active dialogue with a diversity of rural and urban residents, organizations and institutions from all three regions of the state.

The NC Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission Process (NC-TJRC) is a grassroots, people-powered Process, Commission and Movement. It is designed to walk the varied segments of NC’s diverse population towards each other so that they may eventually walk together building broad “community truths. Assisting us is a national Advisory Council of 45 people, at least 25 from North Carolina. We have identified several areas of focus, in our Declaration of Intent, around which we will build this truth, justice and reconciliation movement; however, these areas of focus will grow and change as statewide community members begin to deepen their involvement and mold the movement to their communities’ needs.

The areas of focus are:


  • Financial security and wealth creation
  • Inclusive voter access and genuine democracy
  • Adequate housing
  • Police accountability and judicial equity
  • Community safety
  • Quality healthcare (including mental health)
  • Climate justice and ecological sustainability
  • Quality, relevant education

To learn more about the NC-TJRC Process, please contact Beloved Community Center at or (336) 230-0001.
(336) 230-0001

417 Arlington Street, 
Greensboro, NC 27406

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