Creating Space
Our mission is to forge and continually expand a quality of leadership and beloved community to guide Greensboro, North Carolina, and beyond into a new era of equitable economic sufficiency, peace, social, gender and racial justice that can serve as a model and inspiration for ourselves, our region, our nation and our world.
Learn more about our past work and current initiatives
Creating Space
“The Beloved Community Center is a great space where all parts of our community comes together to discuss, plan and resolve social, civic, economic and environmental issues affecting our wellbeing.”
“Thank you for your hospitality, your community compassion, & your willingness to share the story with others.”
“I had the Pleasure of experience History,Education and about Love for the world! Great Experience!”
Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed Over Hogtying Death of Marcus Smith
PRESS STATEMENT From the Justice for Marcus Smith Coalition The Greensboro Pulpit Forum and The Beloved Community Center WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2019 Click HERE to watch the press conference. Today, 4/10/19, nationally prominent civil rights attorney Flint Taylor, of the People’s Law Office of Chicago, and Greensboro Attorney Graham Holt filed a federal civil […]