Healing Tuesdays
On January 17, 2017 over 75 Greensboro residents gathered for Healing Tuesday and continued to gather weekly through the year as a witness to what is possible when we work together for the well-being of each other. Come, stand with us in silence and prayer again this year to acknowledge that there remain deep racial and social divisions in our land and to commit to healing those divisions in our city and beyond. We believe there can be no transformation without healing. And, it is becoming increasingly clear that without healing our fears and divisions will place our fragile democracy at greater risk for us all. We, the people, in all of our diversity of race, economic status, sex, gender, age, religion, education, physical, emotional, and mental ability, etc. must come together. So, join us on Tuesday, January 16th. downtown and every Tuesday in 2018.

Healing Tuesdays
On January 17, 2017 over 75 Greensboro residents gathered for Healing Tuesday and continued to gather weekly through the year as a witness to what is possible when we work together for the well-being of each other. Come, stand with us in silence and prayer again this year to acknowledge that there remain deep racial and social divisions in our land and to commit to healing those divisions in our city and beyond. We believe there can be no transformation without healing. And, it is becoming increasingly clear that without healing our fears and divisions will place our fragile democracy at greater risk for us all. We, the people, in all of our diversity of race, economic status, sex, gender, age, religion, education, physical, emotional, and mental ability, etc. must come together. So, join us on Tuesday, January 16th. downtown and every Tuesday in 2020.