
To build a community of trust and collaboration among social justice, civic engagement, and other liberation seeking organizations, individuals, and institutions that recognize the severity of the moment and understand the need for a cohesive, coordinated strategy to seize upon this short window of opportunity to change the current divisive trajectory of our state. Together, we want to build upon the community’s growing dissatisfaction with the status quo while galvanizing people’s power to build bridges of hope and possibility, restoring a commitment to truth, ethics, morality, and compassion for all North Carolinians, yet challenging each other to live into our best selves by demanding what is just and equitable; not settling for what is most expedient, especially if it means continuing to elevate a few at the expense of the many.


To establish a working commitment of unification and collaboration among a broad diversity of community members, advocates, and allies to leverage our collective efforts towards heightening the awareness of and power of ordinary people to fix and/or change the current dysfunctional systems within our state; while also, inspiring them to fully engage the electoral process.

Promises and Rules of Practice

  • To Work in Solidarity and Mutuality
  • To Struggle for the sake of Deepening our Collective Understanding and Grow Greater Unity
  • To Believe In, and Sow to, the Very Best of Ourselves and Others
  • To Strive to Build Community Over Individualism
  • To Be Accountable to One Another
  • To Operate with Intergrity
  • To Listen Deeply
  • To Speak Respectfully
  • To Be Honest and Direct in our Dealings
  • To Encourage a Spirit of Collaboration
  • To Share Co-Created Materials Jointly
  • To Agree to Non-Violent Protest and Peaceful Assembly